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All things in their nature are of the mind...
All things in their nature are of the mind.
Being of the mind, there is nothing,
Not even the tiniest thing like an atom,
Or a mote of dust which is not of the same mind nature.
All is nakedly pure, unmade by the lower mind.
This realization is the state of illumination of the Buddhas of the Three Times...
Their symbolic "Buddha Palace of Light."
In their profundity or attainment - gambhira* - Is the Buddha being, the Fruit, the Real.
Remain within this profundity, undistracted.
No need to discipline body or voice,
All will come spontaneously.
There is nothing in THIS to realize:
Understand that whatever is apparent is without own-being.
All phenomena are egoless and Dharmadhatu, the mind realm, is completely free of thought.
The great transcending knowledge beyond duality is the Holy Spirit** In which all is sameness.
As the Great River flows on whatever meditation sitting you do silently,
This then is always the Buddha's nature, enlightenment.
The world just isn't there,
And all is the great Bliss.
All dharmas and every single thing is void in essence,
And being void cannot be grasped by the mind,
So automatically we are cleansed of attachment.
Beyond intellect, within the mind nothing arises.
This is the path of all the Buddhas - enlightened ones.
Composed in August 1974. Translation by Sister Khönchok Palmo.
Sister Palmo (freda Bedi) was a close disciple and secretary to His Holiness.
*gambira: Skrt. Profound
**Sister Palmo was known for her translation with a slightly to Christian vocabulary.
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