His Holiness the 16th Karmapa on pointing out the Nature of Mind
Here, in the thick darkness of deluded ignorance, There shines a vajra chain of awareness, self-arisen with whatever appears.Within uncontrived vividness, unimpeded through the three times, May we arrive at the capital of nondual, great bliss. Think of me, think of me; guru dharmakaya think of me.
In the center of the budding flower in my heart Glows the self-light of dharmakaya, free of transference and change,that I have never been separate from. This is the unfabricated wisdom of clarity-emptiness, the three kayas free of discursiveness. This is the true heart, the essence, of the dharmakaya, equality.
Through relying on the display of the unfabricated, unceasing, unborn, self-radiance, May we arrive at the far shore of samsara and nirvana - the great, spontaneous presence. May we enter the forest of the three solitudes, the capital of the forebears of the practice lineage. May we seize the fortress of golden rosary of the Kagyu.
O what pleasure, what joy my vajra siblings! Let us make offerings to dharmakaya, the great equal taste. Let us go to the great dharmadhatu, alpha purity free from fixation.
They have thoroughly pacified the ocean of millions of thoughts. They do not move from the extreme-free ocean of basic space. They posses the forms that perfect all the pure realms into one - May the auspiciousness of the ocean of the protectors of being be present.
In the second month of the Wood Hare year (1976), [His Holiness] spoke these verses at Rumtek Monastery, the seat of the Karmapa, during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Dharmachakra Center for Practice and Study.