Table of Contents
Radiant Compassion
Glimpses of the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
by Gerd Bausch
Volume One
Preface by His Holiness Sakya Trizin 12
Preface by His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 13
Preface by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche 14
Introduction 17
Who is Karmapa? 22
The Kagyü Lineage 25
The lineage of the Karmapas 27
Part 1: Stories from the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Chapter 1
In Tibet 33
Childhood 1924-1931
Recognition, Enthronement and Early Education 35
The Birth of a Buddha 35
Search for the Prophecy Letter 38
The First Enthronement at Palpung 41
Enthronement and Early Education in Tsurphu 45
Visit to Kham 1936-1940 48
King of the Snakes and Other Miracles 48
The Great Encampment of the Karmapa 50
Further Education in the Traveling Monastery 53
Visions, Prophecies and Discovering Reincarnations 54
In Tsurphu 1941-1944 61
Transmissions and Practice Years 61
Tsurphu, Seat of the Karmapas 63
The Years 1945-1950 68
Travels to Southern Tibet, Bhutan, India and Nepal 68
Visits to Nepal, Sikkim and India 72
Karmapa Attains the Highest Realization 75
The Last Decade in Tibet 79
Chinese Invasion 79
Death of His Root Lamas 81
Journey to China 82
On Diplomatic Mission to Kham 85
The 2500th Anniversary of the Buddha: Pilgrimage 93
Taking Leave of Tibet 97
Chapter 2
Beginning Anew in Exile 103
The Years 1959-1970 105
New Seat in Sikkim 107
Difficult Circumstances 109
Travel To Nepal, Bhutan and India 116
“Think Big” Construction of the Rumtek Monastery 118
Life in the New Monastery 124
Establishing Practice, Vinaya and the Transmission 127
Karmapa’s Ceaseless Activity 130
Karmapa and the People of Sikkim 132
Travel to India, Ladakh, Bhutan and Nepal 136
The Years 1971-1974 146
On Pilgrimage through India 146
First Western Spiritual Seekers Meet the Karmapa 153
Preparing the Propagation of the Dharma in the West 164
Invitations to the West 168
Chapter 3
When the Iron Bird Flies 171
Karmapa’s First Journey to the West 173
The Beginnings of Buddhism in the West 173
Buddhism in America 174
The First Visit to North America 177
Arrival in New York 178
Visiting the Sangha of Trungpa Rinpoche 183
Visit in Boulder 191
Visit to the Hopi Nation 197
Karmapa in California 206
Canada 211
How the Gyalwa Karmapa Changed America 217
Europe 220
United Kingdom 221
Marvelous Welcome in Scandinavia 224
Denmark 229
Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium 231
Paris 234
Audience with the Pope 237
The Cradle of European Buddhism 242
Last Stop in Europe—Switzerland 246
Part 2
Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa 251
His Holiness the Dalai Lama 253
His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin 254
Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 257
Lama Gendün Rinpoche 261
Jigme Rinpoche 265
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche 272
Lama Tönsang 274
Abbess Ani Mingyur 278
Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche 280
Lama Tsültrim Namgyal 286
Trinle Densapa 290
Laxmi Prova Kansakar 292
Arnaud Desjardins 294
Jetsünma Tenzin Palmo 298
Lama Ole Nydahl 303
Lama Tsültrim Allione 309
Matthieu Ricard 313
Sharon Salzberg 314
Shenphen Hookham 317
William Stucky 320
Kabir Bedi 325
Achi Tsepal 328
Kevin Lyons 335
John Seonaidh Perks 339
Judy Lief and Peter Volz 341
Joseph Duane 345
Lama Jampa Thaye 347
Mary Finnigan 351
Karma Palden Thargye 355
Naomi Schmidt 357
Georgina and Etienne de Swarte 359
Acknowledgements 365
Dedication 367
Annex 368
Glossary: Persons and places 369
Glossary: Buddhist terms and divinities 371
Further reading and viewing 381
Web links 383
Photo Credits 383
About the Author 384
Photo Section 385
PART II Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: My friendship with the Sixteenth Karmapa**
His Holiness Sakya Trizin: “He was very kind and compassionate”
Lama Gendün Rinpoche: “He is a Buddha, not an ordinary human being”**
Beru Khyentse Rinpoche: “Among the Karmapas, the 16th was particularly great”
Jigme Rinpoche: “He was one with everything”**
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche: “Everybody has the responsibility to take care of sentient beings”
Lama Tönsang: In Tsurphu with the 16th Karmapa
Ani Mingyur: The nuns of Tsurphu
Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche: Upholder of the Lineage
Lama Tsültrim Namgyal: “My life with the 16th Karmapa”
Trinle Densapa: Karmapa in Sikkim
Laxmi Prova Kansakar: Karmapa in Nepal
Arnaud Desjardins: “The teaching was simply to see him”
Jetsünma Tenzin Palmo: “It was an incredible time”
Lama Ole Nydahl: “He was completely enlightened and incredibly powerful”
Lama Tsültrim Allione: “The devotion I felt for him I never felt for anyone else”
Matthieu Ricard: Embodiment of Compassion
William Stucky: Karmapa’s Meeting with Swami Muktananda
Achi Tsepal: Karmapa in Bhutan and the United States
Kevin Lyons: Knower of the Three Times**
John Seonaidh Perks ‘They just spontaneously began to glow’
Joseph Duane: Even today I can immediately connect to the situation
Sharon Salzberg: “A Tremendous Period of Discovery"
Lama Shenphen Hookham: "Karmapa was playing with everything and he enjoyed"
Lama Jampa Thaye: “The definitive proof what the Dharma life brings about”
Mary Finnigan: Karmapa transforms a London squat
Karma Palden Thargye: Karmapa’s first visit to Scandinavia
Naomi Schmidt: He really enjoyed the spontaneity
Georgina and Etienne de Swarte: “What do we risk with the Karmapa?”
Table of Contents
Radiant Compassion
Volume Two
(Publication in December 2020)
Part 1: Stories from the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Chapter 1: The Years 1975-77
Chapter 1: The Years 1975-77 11
In India and Nepal 11
Around the World Aa Second Time 22
Visit to the US 22
Visit to the East Coast 27
Karmapa in California 42
Returning to the East Coast 60
Second Visit To Europe 64
Karmapa Visits His European Seat 66
Germany – The Sleeping Spiritual Giant 72
New Centers In Scandinavia 76
Further Journey Through Europe 80
In Austria and Switzerland 86
Onward journey to Belgium 101
The Dharma King in the United Kingdom 102
Chapter 2: The Years 1977-1980
Founding and Renovation of Centers in India 127
Life in the Rumtek Monastery 135
Encounters in Rumtek, Delhi, and Calcutta 148
The Third Trip around the World
Unusual Encounter in California 158
In North-East US and Canada 171
Visits to Southeast Asia 175
The Last Year in Rumtek 180
Chapter 3: Taking leave of Karmapa
Karmapa’s Farewell 182
The Last Great Teaching 182
Farewell from Rumtek 187
“Your Holiness, you are dying.”
Return of the Kudung
Cremation Day
Part 2: The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa's Buddha Activity
The Knower of the Three Times
How Karmapa Recognized Tulkus
How Karmapa Helped after Death
Karmapa and Animals
The Parents of Karmapa’s Disciples
Karmapa Loved Children
Miracles Everywhere
“No Politics, Dirty Business”
Karmapa’s Opinion of Women
Moments Which Changed Entire Lives
The Black Crown of the Karmapas
The Black Pills of the Karmapas
Karmapa’s Ideas for the West
Karmapa and the Vinaya
Did Karmapa Speak Foreign Languages?
The Mantra “Karmapa Khyenno”
Part 3: Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Lama Gendün Rinpoche : “You must go soon, because the time is ripe”**
Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche: “His Holiness Karmapa is always with us”
Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche: “Like boiling water melting ice”
Bardor Tulku Rinpoche: “His Holiness was my teacher and like a father to me”
Karma Trinlay Rinpoche: “All we know in the West about the Dharma, we basically owe to the 16th Karmapa”
Traleg Khandro: Traleg Rinpoche’s experiences with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Hannah Nydahl: “His way of teaching us was very skillful”**
Lama Ole Nydahl: Transcending borders
David Nichtern: Tendrel Universe
Phil Budin: “He was living the teachings”
Tara Diane Budin: “Karmapa will always be present in me”
Dale Brozosky: “Join the tour!”
Christian Bruyat: The Sun of Dharma
Jean-Louis Massoubre: “Don’t be sad, in not even two years we’ll meet again”
Franz Ritter: The Great Man with the Black Crown and the Small Black Cat
Hans-Harald Niemeyer: Woodstock on your doorstep
Friedel Kremer: “It furthers one to see the great man”
Achi Tsepal: Keepers of the Buddha’s Teaching
Larry & Girija Brilliant: Sub Ek! All is one!
Erik Pema Kunsang: He was Mahāmudrā! **
Lama Yorgos Theofanus (Zopa Gyamtso): With Karmapa in the Pure Realms
Robert Sachs: “Many things constantly happened on various levels”
Bart Mendel: Ordinary Magic***
Steve Roth: Suppreme Lord of Compassion***
Dr. Andrea Loseries-Leick: My Guru Karmapa
Erik Weiss: “We’ll just go home and get on with it!”
Dr. Raj Kotwal: “The chance of my life”
Dr. Dwight McKee: “Dying was not a big deal to him”
Eleanor Mannikka: The Cremation of the 16th Karmapa
** Texts from other publications
*** Texts written by their authors for this publication
Radiant Compassion
Glimpses of the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
by Gerd Bausch
Volume One
Preface by His Holiness Sakya Trizin 12
Preface by His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 13
Preface by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche 14
Introduction 17
Who is Karmapa? 22
The Kagyü Lineage 25
The lineage of the Karmapas 27
Part 1: Stories from the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Chapter 1
In Tibet 33
Childhood 1924-1931
Recognition, Enthronement and Early Education 35
The Birth of a Buddha 35
Search for the Prophecy Letter 38
The First Enthronement at Palpung 41
Enthronement and Early Education in Tsurphu 45
Visit to Kham 1936-1940 48
King of the Snakes and Other Miracles 48
The Great Encampment of the Karmapa 50
Further Education in the Traveling Monastery 53
Visions, Prophecies and Discovering Reincarnations 54
In Tsurphu 1941-1944 61
Transmissions and Practice Years 61
Tsurphu, Seat of the Karmapas 63
The Years 1945-1950 68
Travels to Southern Tibet, Bhutan, India and Nepal 68
Visits to Nepal, Sikkim and India 72
Karmapa Attains the Highest Realization 75
The Last Decade in Tibet 79
Chinese Invasion 79
Death of His Root Lamas 81
Journey to China 82
On Diplomatic Mission to Kham 85
The 2500th Anniversary of the Buddha: Pilgrimage 93
Taking Leave of Tibet 97
Chapter 2
Beginning Anew in Exile 103
The Years 1959-1970 105
New Seat in Sikkim 107
Difficult Circumstances 109
Travel To Nepal, Bhutan and India 116
“Think Big” Construction of the Rumtek Monastery 118
Life in the New Monastery 124
Establishing Practice, Vinaya and the Transmission 127
Karmapa’s Ceaseless Activity 130
Karmapa and the People of Sikkim 132
Travel to India, Ladakh, Bhutan and Nepal 136
The Years 1971-1974 146
On Pilgrimage through India 146
First Western Spiritual Seekers Meet the Karmapa 153
Preparing the Propagation of the Dharma in the West 164
Invitations to the West 168
Chapter 3
When the Iron Bird Flies 171
Karmapa’s First Journey to the West 173
The Beginnings of Buddhism in the West 173
Buddhism in America 174
The First Visit to North America 177
Arrival in New York 178
Visiting the Sangha of Trungpa Rinpoche 183
Visit in Boulder 191
Visit to the Hopi Nation 197
Karmapa in California 206
Canada 211
How the Gyalwa Karmapa Changed America 217
Europe 220
United Kingdom 221
Marvelous Welcome in Scandinavia 224
Denmark 229
Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium 231
Paris 234
Audience with the Pope 237
The Cradle of European Buddhism 242
Last Stop in Europe—Switzerland 246
Part 2
Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa 251
His Holiness the Dalai Lama 253
His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin 254
Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 257
Lama Gendün Rinpoche 261
Jigme Rinpoche 265
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche 272
Lama Tönsang 274
Abbess Ani Mingyur 278
Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche 280
Lama Tsültrim Namgyal 286
Trinle Densapa 290
Laxmi Prova Kansakar 292
Arnaud Desjardins 294
Jetsünma Tenzin Palmo 298
Lama Ole Nydahl 303
Lama Tsültrim Allione 309
Matthieu Ricard 313
Sharon Salzberg 314
Shenphen Hookham 317
William Stucky 320
Kabir Bedi 325
Achi Tsepal 328
Kevin Lyons 335
John Seonaidh Perks 339
Judy Lief and Peter Volz 341
Joseph Duane 345
Lama Jampa Thaye 347
Mary Finnigan 351
Karma Palden Thargye 355
Naomi Schmidt 357
Georgina and Etienne de Swarte 359
Acknowledgements 365
Dedication 367
Annex 368
Glossary: Persons and places 369
Glossary: Buddhist terms and divinities 371
Further reading and viewing 381
Web links 383
Photo Credits 383
About the Author 384
Photo Section 385
PART II Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: My friendship with the Sixteenth Karmapa**
His Holiness Sakya Trizin: “He was very kind and compassionate”
Lama Gendün Rinpoche: “He is a Buddha, not an ordinary human being”**
Beru Khyentse Rinpoche: “Among the Karmapas, the 16th was particularly great”
Jigme Rinpoche: “He was one with everything”**
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche: “Everybody has the responsibility to take care of sentient beings”
Lama Tönsang: In Tsurphu with the 16th Karmapa
Ani Mingyur: The nuns of Tsurphu
Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche: Upholder of the Lineage
Lama Tsültrim Namgyal: “My life with the 16th Karmapa”
Trinle Densapa: Karmapa in Sikkim
Laxmi Prova Kansakar: Karmapa in Nepal
Arnaud Desjardins: “The teaching was simply to see him”
Jetsünma Tenzin Palmo: “It was an incredible time”
Lama Ole Nydahl: “He was completely enlightened and incredibly powerful”
Lama Tsültrim Allione: “The devotion I felt for him I never felt for anyone else”
Matthieu Ricard: Embodiment of Compassion
William Stucky: Karmapa’s Meeting with Swami Muktananda
Achi Tsepal: Karmapa in Bhutan and the United States
Kevin Lyons: Knower of the Three Times**
John Seonaidh Perks ‘They just spontaneously began to glow’
Joseph Duane: Even today I can immediately connect to the situation
Sharon Salzberg: “A Tremendous Period of Discovery"
Lama Shenphen Hookham: "Karmapa was playing with everything and he enjoyed"
Lama Jampa Thaye: “The definitive proof what the Dharma life brings about”
Mary Finnigan: Karmapa transforms a London squat
Karma Palden Thargye: Karmapa’s first visit to Scandinavia
Naomi Schmidt: He really enjoyed the spontaneity
Georgina and Etienne de Swarte: “What do we risk with the Karmapa?”
Table of Contents
Radiant Compassion
Volume Two
(Publication in December 2020)
Part 1: Stories from the Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Chapter 1: The Years 1975-77
Chapter 1: The Years 1975-77 11
In India and Nepal 11
Around the World Aa Second Time 22
Visit to the US 22
Visit to the East Coast 27
Karmapa in California 42
Returning to the East Coast 60
Second Visit To Europe 64
Karmapa Visits His European Seat 66
Germany – The Sleeping Spiritual Giant 72
New Centers In Scandinavia 76
Further Journey Through Europe 80
In Austria and Switzerland 86
Onward journey to Belgium 101
The Dharma King in the United Kingdom 102
Chapter 2: The Years 1977-1980
Founding and Renovation of Centers in India 127
Life in the Rumtek Monastery 135
Encounters in Rumtek, Delhi, and Calcutta 148
The Third Trip around the World
Unusual Encounter in California 158
In North-East US and Canada 171
Visits to Southeast Asia 175
The Last Year in Rumtek 180
Chapter 3: Taking leave of Karmapa
Karmapa’s Farewell 182
The Last Great Teaching 182
Farewell from Rumtek 187
“Your Holiness, you are dying.”
Return of the Kudung
Cremation Day
Part 2: The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa's Buddha Activity
The Knower of the Three Times
How Karmapa Recognized Tulkus
How Karmapa Helped after Death
Karmapa and Animals
The Parents of Karmapa’s Disciples
Karmapa Loved Children
Miracles Everywhere
“No Politics, Dirty Business”
Karmapa’s Opinion of Women
Moments Which Changed Entire Lives
The Black Crown of the Karmapas
The Black Pills of the Karmapas
Karmapa’s Ideas for the West
Karmapa and the Vinaya
Did Karmapa Speak Foreign Languages?
The Mantra “Karmapa Khyenno”
Part 3: Encounters with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Lama Gendün Rinpoche : “You must go soon, because the time is ripe”**
Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche: “His Holiness Karmapa is always with us”
Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche: “Like boiling water melting ice”
Bardor Tulku Rinpoche: “His Holiness was my teacher and like a father to me”
Karma Trinlay Rinpoche: “All we know in the West about the Dharma, we basically owe to the 16th Karmapa”
Traleg Khandro: Traleg Rinpoche’s experiences with the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
Hannah Nydahl: “His way of teaching us was very skillful”**
Lama Ole Nydahl: Transcending borders
David Nichtern: Tendrel Universe
Phil Budin: “He was living the teachings”
Tara Diane Budin: “Karmapa will always be present in me”
Dale Brozosky: “Join the tour!”
Christian Bruyat: The Sun of Dharma
Jean-Louis Massoubre: “Don’t be sad, in not even two years we’ll meet again”
Franz Ritter: The Great Man with the Black Crown and the Small Black Cat
Hans-Harald Niemeyer: Woodstock on your doorstep
Friedel Kremer: “It furthers one to see the great man”
Achi Tsepal: Keepers of the Buddha’s Teaching
Larry & Girija Brilliant: Sub Ek! All is one!
Erik Pema Kunsang: He was Mahāmudrā! **
Lama Yorgos Theofanus (Zopa Gyamtso): With Karmapa in the Pure Realms
Robert Sachs: “Many things constantly happened on various levels”
Bart Mendel: Ordinary Magic***
Steve Roth: Suppreme Lord of Compassion***
Dr. Andrea Loseries-Leick: My Guru Karmapa
Erik Weiss: “We’ll just go home and get on with it!”
Dr. Raj Kotwal: “The chance of my life”
Dr. Dwight McKee: “Dying was not a big deal to him”
Eleanor Mannikka: The Cremation of the 16th Karmapa
** Texts from other publications
*** Texts written by their authors for this publication